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Best Android Keyboard becomes free on the Play Store!

Swiftkey is an app for Android (2.2 and above) that replaces your onscreen keyboard , with an intelligent easy to use and faster keyboard that is guaranteed to increase your typing efficiency. This app delivers smart auto-correct and word prediction in over 60 languages! Recently...

Health Tip - F.lux

Ever stay up late at night to finish some work , and get blinded by the screen? During the day, computer screens look good—they're designed to look like the sun. But, at 9PM, 10PM, or 3AM, you probably shouldn't be looking at the sun. f.lux fixes this: it makes the color of your computer's...


15K Twitter Accounts Hacked , A True Story ?

Few days back an article was published on techworm.in, where a hacker named "Mauritania Attacker" leaked claimed to leak thousands of twitter accounts, the data was made available for public to use and was uploaded on zippyshare.com. The data contained the twitterid, twitternick, oauthtoken nand...


How To Do Direct Download Of Torrent Files For Free Without Using Any App

Friends, this is an post which lacks of people search everyday, but they get disappointed by seeing the results in which they are asked to download apps and then they can do direct downloads. But how is it called a direct download if they need to install some apps like 1clickdownloader, uTorrent, Bittorrent...


100 Ways To Become A Better Hacker

Well, The title is self explanatory. This post would not rely upon my input but it would rely upon your input, We will be gathering here 100 ways to become a better hacker. In other words 100 ways to improve your skills as a hacker. Rules 1) Every person would get the credit for his...


How To Download Games From Miniclip.com

The most popular Flash Games Website Miniclip.com games can be downloaded. Using one simple app called SWF opener. It is a app that can help you view the browser cache (where all the loaded miniclip games get saved). It doesn't just saves it even play or open it at the same time. So here is the...


Remove Other Users of any Wi-Fi using an Android mobile!

Wifi Kill:              Well, with this app you can disable internet connection for a device on the same network. So if someone (anyone) is abusing the internet wasting precious bandwidth for a Justin Bieber videoclips you could just kill their connection...